Characteristically a 'Mark of The Beast'

Satan is moving fast to inject TRADE UNIONS into many businesses countrywide – especially in the southern States – where he has not had influence before.

Toyota is now one of them!

Many God-fearing individuals may have already joined or are considering joining a TRADE UNION without fully understanding the implications of doing so. It is critical for those already involved and those considering it to recognize that the very principle of TRADE UNIONISM is SATANIC.

Why is it "SATANIC"? Anything that is against God is of Satan, and is thus SATANIC. The principle of a TRADE UNION is directly against God and His principles in the following ways:

  1. It INTERFERES in the GOD-GIVEN RELATIONSHIP between Employer and Employee.
  2. A 'Closed Shop Union' is MURDEROUS and is characteristically a 'MARK OF THE BEAST'.
  3. Subscription to a union means ASSOCIATION WITH EVIL.


Since time began, Satan (the Devil) has been desperate to undermine everything that is of God, and to rob Him of man's attention and response. He has been largely successful, but God will have the final say.

God has established relationships to help mankind be restful and satisfied, so that man is free to respond to God in worship. One such relationship is that of Employer and Employee, which is referred to in numerous places in the Bible:

No servant can serve two masters
Luke 16:13

Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? To his own master he standeth or falleth.
Romans 14:4

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God
Colossians 3:22

Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward (ill-tempered).
1 Peter 2:18

God's principle is that the Employee is solely obligated to the Employer. It is to be the Employer who chooses what to pay to each of his Employees, as the following parable in Matthew's gospel explains:

For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day. But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
Matthew 20:1-16

Satan has now introduced the evil of TRADE UNIONISM to purposefully INTERFERE with this GOD-GIVEN RELATIONSHIP between Employer and Employee.

This is a direct attack on God and His principles.


God's principle is that man should work to eat and provide for his family:

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
Genesis 3:19

Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread
2 Thessalonians 3:12

But if any one does not provide for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than the unbeliever
1 Timothy 5:8

Once a business is UNIONIZED, the trade unionists' intention is that, over time, every employee is forced to join the trade union IN ORDER TO WORK.

This is a 'Closed Shop Union', which is doubly evil because:

  1. It will force employees to join themselves to what is evil and to what is directly against God, in order to be able to work.
  2. Employees who do not subscribe will not be able to work to earn money to eat or to provide for their family. This is MURDER.
    Thou shalt not kill
    Exodus 20:13

This is another direct attack on God and His principles.


If an Employee cannot work unless they join the TRADE UNION, the trade union can characteristically be called a 'mark of the Beast'.

The Beast is the man of sin who is about to appear in the world, and who gets his power from Satan himself - see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.

The Beast will soon exert his evil power on mankind and will attempt to enforce a certain 'mark' on all mankind. This 'mark of the Beast' is referred to in Revelation chapter 13:

And I saw another beast rising out of the earth ... And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that they should give them a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead; and that no one should be able to buy or sell save (except) he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name.
Revelation 13:11, 16-18

The "mark upon their right hand" refers to the Beast bringing about some mandatory requirement that anyone who works in a trade will have to subscribe to, in order to work.

The "mark upon their forehead" refers to the Beast causing a similar forced subscription on anyone who works in a profession.

These two aspects cover all types of work performed by anyone anywhere!

That "no one should be able to buy or sell save (except) he that had the mark" means that the Beast will attempt to force every kind of Employee everywhere to subscribe to, or comply with a certain agency, or body, or set of specific rules, in order to "buy or sell" - that is, in order to conduct any type of business or work in any factory.

This "mark" is symbolic of a forced compliance and becomes the sole criteria which affects whether someone can or cannot work to earn money to live.

TRADE UNIONISM is exactly this concept!

Persons who receive this 'mark' will have torment, as explained in Revelation chapter 14:

And the smoke of their torment goes up to ages of ages, and they have no respite day and night who do homage to the beast and to its image, and if any one receive the mark of its name.
Revelation 14:11

And the first [angel] went and poured out his bowl on the earth; and there came an evil and grievous sore upon the men that had the mark of the beast, and those who worshipped its image.
Revelation 14:2

The 'mark of the Beast' is DECEPTION to any who receive or subscribe to it. For this deception, the Beast is finally thrown into the lake of fire:

And the beast was taken, and the false prophet that was with him, who wrought the signs before him by which he deceived them that received the mark of the beast, and those that worship his image. Alive were both cast into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone
Revelation 19:20

Revelation also describes the REWARD for any who do NOT receive the 'mark of the Beast':

... those who had not done homage to the beast nor to his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and hand; and they lived and reigned with the Christ a thousand years
Revelation 20:4

Regardless of how attractive it may seem, TRADE UNIONISM is a direct attack against God and His principles. Having been devised by Satan, it is a 'mark'.


God hates evil and expects us to separate from it, as the Bible says:

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?
2 Corinthians 6:14-15

Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity
2 Timothy 2:19

To voluntarily join a TRADE UNION (or to be persuaded or coerced into doing so), is joining yourself to what is evil, and is directly against God. You would be ASSOCIATING YOURSELF WITH EVIL PERSONS who are being used of Satan himself.

For all who fear the Lord God Almighty, the message is clear:

For any questions, email [email protected], or contact the following:

James Paynter
603 Mojave Trail
Georgetown, KY 40324
Mobile: +1 859 202 9889
Email: [email protected]
Javan Morley
122 Redding Rd
Georgetown, KY 40324
Mobile: +1 502 234 0116
Email: [email protected]